The total solar eclipse of April 8, 2024, did not disappoint.
We were fortunate enough to be in the path of totality to witness the August 21, 2017, total solar eclipse as well. What was not accessible to many people or solely a once-in-a-lifetime event for some became a twice-in-a-lifetime event for us. It is not easy to put into words how lucky we were for this to happen.
It is also challenging to put into words our last total solar experience. In 2017, my husband and I viewed the eclipse at a private business that allowed people onto the grounds to experience the event. I was caught off guard when everyone clapped during totality when the moon blocked the sun, and it became dark. I noticed a tear from my right eye down my cheek and how the experience moved me. I remember during the full eclipse my husband turned to me and exclaimed, “How about that!”
I thought about what I might say after the 2024 eclipse. I might write about the stirring emotion or excitement some people feel during these rare events. The science explaining the phenomenon intriguing many people could be discussed. Perhaps how some people are in awe or feel small in the universe should be mentioned. Adding some people feeling connected to the universe or having a spiritual moment would be worthwhile.
A total solar eclipse is a mix of emotion and logic. It awakens both extremes, and most people reach into their emotional and logical sides by feeling both excited and amazed by the science explaining the event. No wonder we feel a sense of togetherness during these events: we tap into everyone’s makeup, whether they are more right-brained or left-brained, everyone can experience the event how they experience life (emotional, logical, or both), and our fellow humans are in tune with how they experience life, we witness and celebrate a rare event together, and for a few minutes we are all one feeling pretty amazed and fortunate. We need more total solar eclipses.
Describing the 2017 eclipse is complex, and it is even more challenging to put this most recent total solar eclipse into words. I did not feel any tears this time, but I did get emotional. It was a combination of something I cannot seem to express with words, some excitement, and a lot of gratitude for the experience.

After the event, I realized a couple of things. The first thing I learned was that I was sunburned. I could only think of this: I have done it. I have done the impossible. I got a sunburn during a total solar eclipse.
The next thing I realized was the answer to what I would write to describe this solar eclipse. The answer was nothing. It is good that I cannot equate the eclipse with a string of words. I am happy to have writer’s block for this. Not many events in life will leave you feeling that you cannot do justice to them with your description. Not many events will be so grand and unique that no combination of words could ever express the beauty and awesomeness of what you were fortunate enough to experience. If you witnessed the eclipse, whatever it stirred inside of you is acceptable, whether that was something emotional, something scientific, something in between, or both extremes. I hope it left you unable to express with words how wonderful it was that day. We do not have to justify with big words our big experiences or big emotions for everything in life. You peeking through special glasses to see the moon cover the sun gradually, taking off the glasses, and then seeing a rare total solar eclipse as it gets dark for a brief time stands on its own. No words are necessary.
The total solar eclipse was an unbelievable and rare event. I cannot put into words the totality of the totality that day. Being left without words is a nice thing in this wordy world, but that is just my view.