As we transition from fall to winter, I realize Dollywood’s Harvest Festival was a poetic way for me to embrace fall and let it go to welcome the next season in life.
I went toward the end of the festival, and Christmas decorations were already being hung. In some ways, they had taken me out of my fall bubble but also stirred some excitement for Dollywood’s Smoky Mountain Christmas festival. I also realized that decorations must be hung at the end of the festival to be ready for Christmas.
Here are some of my favorite moments from the festival:
Fall Color
The fall color around the park added to the feeling of escaping to the mountains, enjoying the season, and experiencing a unique festival. If you are fortunate enough to see the colors when you go to the park, take time to enjoy them.
Giant pumpkins and décor
Pumpkins and autumn go together, but seeing giant pumpkins weighing 1,000 pounds makes you giggle. It also makes you laugh when someone in your party thinks pumpkins weighing 300 pounds are not impressive after seeing weightier ones.
Lights, music, lit decorations, and night ambiance
The park provided two experiences: the décor during the day and the ambiance of lit pumpkins at night. The music at night was enjoyable without being overbearing. The overall feel of the lit-up displays, other colorful lighting, and music were about right for everyone’s enjoyment.

Casualness of Dollywood's Harvest Festival
We rode some rides, took pictures, ate meals, and shopped without feeling too stressed. We were there for several days but did everything on our list on the first day. Of course, it depends on crowd levels when you go, but we were able to have a low-stress, casual festival experience.
Train ride
Taking the train and seeing the fall foliage was special.

I do not usually eat popcorn at amusement parks, but I loved sitting and soaking in the fall weather and colors. Taking time to slow down and enjoy these moments was worth more than going on ten rides. Nothing is more exciting than driving in early fall and seeing the first few leaves twirl down from trees. Having a snack while watching leaves fall around you is a rare opportunity to appreciate at an amusement park.
Because Christmas decorations were in progress, I stopped by Dollywood’s DreamMore Resort and Spa to check out its Christmas tree. The main tree was up but not yet decorated. This reminded me that the current fall season does not last long, and another season is coming. It could be a good season or a bad one. If you are in a good season in life, take time to be thankful. If you are not in a good season right now, I hope the next season is better for you. I do not know what DreamMore’s Christmas tree will look like when they finish decorating it, but it was clear that life was not stopping for me and that winter was coming. There was no poetic intent from Dollywood to remind us of these truths, but they were prominently displayed. This was more than a trip to an amusement park. It was a much-needed chance to engage in the childlike pleasures of twirling leaves and giggle-worthy giant pumpkins. It was a time to be gently hit over the head with life reminders. It was full of simple pleasures that might have been missed at another park.

I saw a sign in the park that said fall reminds us that it can be beautiful to let things go. That might have been the most beautiful thing I saw this fall.