If you are reluctant to visit Dollywood or its new resort because you are managing food allergies, you must know about my recent trip.
While Dollywood had some food allergy options in the past, such as the Front Porch Café with allergy protocols, food options were limited, and inquiring about food allergy information before visiting was difficult. It also seemed that guests with food allergies were directed to The Front Porch Café and that the park was reluctant to provide the same level of assistance across the park at other dining-related areas. The park was lagging behind other parks, and even local restaurants, and the park did not provide an overall welcoming presence that instilled confidence in providing food allergy guests with a safe and enjoyable dining experience. These issues forced us to choose among four not-very-good options: to arrive later in the day after eating before entering the park, leave the park early to eat dinner somewhere else, eat fries at Red’s throughout the day to keep from starving, or not go to the park at all and find other vacation options.
We stayed at Dollywood’s HeartSong Lodge & Resort for its grand opening. I thought we would go and explore the resort and find food somewhere in town. We were pleasantly surprised when we learned we did not need to leave the resort or Dollywood to eat.
We ate at Ember & Elm, HeartSong’s signature restaurant. We arrived at the resort Friday evening and left Sunday morning. We ate at the restaurant three times during our stay.

Dining at Ember & Elm was a wonderful experience for three reasons. I felt safe eating here because of the set of protocols that were in place. Secondly, the chef consultation experience was terrific. I also loved this restaurant because it allowed me to enjoy the whole lodge experience. Eating at the resort upon arrival, leaving the park tired and enjoying a peaceful dinner at the lodge, then taking a quick elevator ride to our room, eating breakfast after checking out, then taking a stroll through the outdoor pool and fire pit area one last time to the car to leave town allowed me to have the entire resort experience.
Protocols were in place. The hostess asked us upon arrival if we had food allergies. We also made a reservation through OpenTable for our second meal, which allowed us to make note of any food allergies. The hostess filled out an allergy card indicating I could not consume wheat, dairy, or strawberries. From our collective times eating here, we were informed that the allergy cards were taken to the kitchen by a manager or waiter, that food was prepared in a separate area, and that allergy orders did not touch other food on the same tray.

I had great interactions with Chef Michael. On our first visit, he happened to be standing at the hostess stand area, so we were able to have a conversation with him about options. He was able to offer some menu items I could have, and by the time we walked to our table, I knew I was ordering a filet for dinner. I felt confident due to him being able to discuss omitting ingredients (butter and fried onion straws) and what could not be modified. He was knowledgeable about the menu and ingredients. I also felt comfortable eating here because Chef Michael pays attention to details. When he came out to present my food while the waiter presented my husband’s food, he turned my husband’s plate so it was presented the way he wanted it to be shown for my husband. He also noted that some small pieces of potatoes fell out of the neatly stacked serving of potatoes. When he checked on us at the end of the meal, we commented how delicious the roasted carrots were, and he commented that they did not currently have rainbow carrots. I could see his passion for the menu and the products they served. Chef Michael, if it helps, the carrots were excellent. I found him to be helpful and personable.
On a second visit, we were returning from the park. I asked for a consultation again, and he came out to discuss options with me. It warmed my heart that he cared enough to state that I had eaten a steak the previous night and wanted me to be able to try something else. We discussed options, but this steak lover chose a ribeye with carrots and green beans. The ribeye had a great flavor, the carrots were good again, and the green beans were good. I found the green beans more potent as I got to the bottom of the pile near the plate, and I felt that this was a reward for eating my vegetables. Overall, it was a great meal.

The last meal was breakfast. I felt comfortable asking the hostess to fill out an allergy card and discuss gluten-free toast and breakfast without butter with the waitress. I do not know who the chef was this time, but the food was excellent. I had scrambled eggs, gluten-free toast without butter (good quality bread), flavorful, crispy bacon, and well-seasoned potatoes with peppers and onions. There is nothing like a yummy breakfast to end your resort stay on a positive note.

It was magical to get the whole resort experience. Instead of feeling like I was missing out on lovely dining or having to get into the car and drive somewhere late at night for dinner after a day in the park, I was able to have a good meal and then enjoy sitting next to my husband at a fire pit a short walk away.
These improvements are a significant step in the right direction for food allergy service at Dollywood. I hope this is an indication that continued improvements and consistency with protocols across all of its properties are forthcoming. If Dollywood continues on this path, it will increase its customer base and be a strong competitor against other parks, such as a magical place in Florida. For now, HeartSong’s Ember & Elm produces its own magic in the Smoky Mountains.

This is not medical advice. Follow your doctor’s advice regarding managing your food allergies/intolerances.