Why do we all go to the pumpkin patch every year? Perhaps we feel that we get a better-quality pumpkin if we choose it ourselves from a massive pile on the ground rather than getting one at the grocery store. Maybe some people go to get that classic picture of their child sitting next to a pumpkin.
I looked forward to visiting our nearby pumpkin patch with my husband at Lucky Ladd Farms in Middle Tennessee. I planned to glance at the pumpkin selection, take some fall pictures, walk in the corn maze, and maybe purchase a pumpkin to take home.
We each got a pumpkin. We also went to the petting zoo…and took autumn-themed photos…and did the bird feeding activity…and fed lettuce to tortoises…and walked the corn maze…and tried our luck at gem mining.
While my husband waited for the farm to open, I took advantage of the waiting period. I took photos of fall decorations, then walked to the nearby fenced-in animal area to visit ostriches and a llama. I smiled because a child was weary of being spit on by the llama. I turned around from the fence and got a sneak peek at the pumpkin selection. By the time we walked through the entrance, I had built up my excitement for our visit and had already had some fun. I sensed that I was becoming competitive about getting one of the first picks of a pumpkin. We chose our pumpkins right away, and my husband immediately stored them in the trunk of our car while I waited next to piles of additional pumpkins and gourds for sale. The first pumpkin farm task was completed, and we were ready for the remaining fun.

It was so amusing to see the crazy hairdos of the alpacas and to witness the llamas bullying the other animals to get to the cups of animal feed people were holding. At the entrance, we received an accurate warning that some animals might attempt to take the entire cup of feed. It was nice to spend quality time enjoying activities at our own pace. You would think we would have taken our time to enjoy the farm, but we were having so much fun that we zipped from one activity to the next.

I was surprised by how sensory-rich the entire experience was at the patch. The animal noises were very prominent, but so were the comments from visitors as they fed the animals. While feeding lettuce to the tortoises, we could hear them loudly crunch the leaves we fed. Sometimes, when they were not eating, they banged their bodies against each other, making a crashing sound. We entered the bird enclosure with seed-feeding sticks. Occasionally, a flock of birds would fly over or around us, creating a surprisingly powerful gust of wind. The birds were noisy, but sometimes, a frightened guest would squeal as a bird flew near them. It was me. One time, that fearful person might have been me; I might have shrieked as a bird flew near my face. The rustling of the corn stalks in the wind during the corn maze was a relaxing sound we welcomed, and we took a minute to be still in the maze to concentrate on the sound. I was unprepared for the range of visually pleasing photo opportunities (farm-related and fall-specific) that added to the overall sensory experience. Please read about my pumpkin patch photos and how to get fall pictures on your visit here.

We did not find the corn maze very impressive. A lot of the stalks were short, and they were still very green, so we did not get that scarecrow straw quality in the maze that you think of when you imagine losing your way in a maze. However, our lack of enthusiasm for it led us to pacing ourselves while in the maze. As I have mentioned, it forced us to appreciate the sound of the stalks swaying in the wind; I doubt we would have stopped entirely otherwise to be in the moment. Wanting additional entertainment in the maze allowed me to snap some artistic photos. Before our visit, I purchased fall décor items at Hobby Lobby and took them to the farm. These included a wooden truck welcoming fall, a small square sign with text about pumpkins and leaves, a round sign indicating cuddle weather had arrived, and a plush shelf scarecrow. I positioned these props around the farm to take unique pictures, but they were also fun to use in the corn maze for photos as no one was around us, and we were not in anyone’s way. The corn maze was still a date-worthy activity for us as a couple, even if it was not an elaborate maze.

The pumpkin patch had numerous picture opportunities for fall family photos, so I did not need to take my décor props, but I am glad they provided me with additional fall photos. They also offered some other pumpkin farm fun. If you are unsure how extensive the fall décor will be at your pumpkin patch, taking a few items for fall-themed pictures is an easy way to ensure you have autumn-themed pictures. If you do not want to take items with you, the classic giant collection of pumpkins is always waiting for your family photo at the patch.
I do not have pictures or videos of us mining for gems because I put the camera away to be in the moment with my husband for the activity. Part of attending events with family members is spending quality time with them. Remember to balance snapping fall photos to cherish and giving your family members your time and attention. You do not need an excessive number of photos to remember the fall fun you had or that funny thing your child did at the pumpkin patch. I will not forget my husband falling out of the giant human hamster wheel at the farm, although I did get it on video.

It was worth purchasing the more expensive tickets that included all our events. If your pumpkin patch offers various activities for an additional price, I recommend making a day of it and creating fall family memories. Our upgrade was worth it.

Life can seem like it has become mundane sometimes with our work, laundry, and to-do lists. Live for the pleasurable moments every chance you get. Go to the pumpkin patch and pick a pumpkin to carve or set out on your porch with renewed enthusiasm. Fall is a great time to renew ourselves with festivities, vibrant colors, and childlike excitement. Go ahead and look forward to caramel apples, those mornings with slightly cool temperatures as you walk into work, and the Halloween yard decorations of people who really, really get into the holiday. Maybe this year, you will return from the pumpkin patch feeling refreshed.
So, why do we all go to the pumpkin patch each year? We go to allow ourselves to be a kid at heart. My husband and I left the farm tired from playing so hard. We all may do the same things every year at the same time of year, and while we might do them partly because they are traditions, we also do them for the childlike joy they bring us. That is why we all go to the pumpkin patch every year.