Spring is an exciting time. There is a sense of accomplishment for making it through winter. There is a prevalence of butterflies, dragonflies, ladybugs, and thrilling thunderstorms. The sound of lawnmowers being useful again brings back familiar, hypnotic sounds. Spring brings a sense of rebirth and gives you an extra, well, spring in your step. Everything is blooming and pretty, and you cannot help but chuckle and be amazed that trees and shrubs along the streets got together and decided to have a block party and bloom on the same day. Sadly, the season is short-lived, but it is also probably a lot like fresh flowers. The fleeting nature of nature makes you appreciate it more.
Springtime is a time of renewal for nature, but can also be a time of renewal for us. It is a good occasion to bring out those projects that need to be revisited. Whether it is painting a room, finishing a craft project, organizing electronic files, or finishing (or starting) a conversation with someone, spring can help us jumpstart what has fizzled or has never even been started.
Spring does not last long, and neither does life. It is easy to get busy and pulled away from things that need our attention with the many things that weigh us down in life. Regardless of our distractions, we have limited time to accomplish things. Let spring be an opportunity to revitalize some things that have fallen to the side, whether those are small tasks or one big thing. What needs to be refreshed, and how will you complete it? It is still possible to work on it, whatever it is. This may be the season you start fresh with someone. Perhaps you have a dream that needs chasing again, a goal to revisit, a trip to take, violin lessons to begin, a closet to organize, an old friend to visit, or a wrong to right.
Maybe you are what needs to be revived. Perhaps spring is when you take a break from projects and focus on yourself. That is an excellent project on which to focus.

If all your tasks are finished, then take the time to enjoy the butterflies. Take time each day to notice the seasonal blooms, the awkwardness of overgrown lawns that need mowing but cannot be mowed due to too much rain, how the outside is clean after a rain shower, and how thrilling it is that it is no longer dark at 4 p.m. You can also help others with their projects.
Spring is quickly approaching, but so is every other season in life. Make time to do what needs to be done now, whether that is absolutely nothing, a long list of projects, or something between those extremes.
Spring is an energetic, picturesque time that brings joy solely by its presence. We can choose to add to the joy by actively targeting our own seasonal renewal, but that is just my view.