Photography opportunities are everywhere, especially when you look beyond the apparent picturesque or tourist angle most people capture. During a trip to a popular vacation destination, I noticed many objects could be photographed to be creatively repurposed without most people identifying the snapshots' location.
This approach to photography allowed me to add to my library of stock photos, backgrounds for Canva projects, pictures for social media posts, and other creative tasks. This is an easy way to add photos to your artistic collection, have photos for personal or business use, and use pictures for innovative projects.
You can maximize your prospects by experimenting with zooming in on objects or taking pictures from a distance, adjusting your camera to blur objects or their backgrounds, and using trees or other nearby items to frame images.
One warning: once you open your eyes to the possibilities, it is difficult not to see them!
Many of the photo types below can be organized into multiple categories, but here are examples of artistic photos you can take when visiting places.
Photographs depicting texture add interest to your project. Textures visually attract your audience to your work and increase your audience size. Capturing this feature allows you to present pictures refreshingly.

Patterns act like a stop sign; they get our attention and stop us. They invite us to investigate when we might not otherwise spend the additional time to explore. This might be the pause that guides someone to your work. Whether your job is for profit or fun, patterns can attract people to engage with what you want to share.

These photos are suitable for Pinterest pins, Canva projects, or adding flair to your project without overwhelming your text. These photos are a good solution when you need to add some inspiration without overdoing it.

Go for subtle, bold, and a mix of colors to add to your inventory. Snap away at color combinations, even if they do not follow the rules of colors that are typically paired. Look for color combinations that evoke calmness or an energizing mood.

Whether it is animals, trees, or a body of water, nature photos are convenient to have on hand. You can use these for greeting cards, selling digital products, and more. While nature makes for great photos, think less about capturing an overall nature scene and more about documenting something specific in your photo.

Sometimes, you can capture something that is not common but can be used artistically. This is your chance to use photos that are not overly common and overused. This is a chance to post something not seen on every other post online.

Not all photographs need a clear description. Some are fun and spark thought because they are not straightforward. When you capture something that is not immediately identifiable, use it to create conversation or attract people to your work.

Here is how to take creative photos when traveling:
Look for exciting pictures on your resort arrival and departure days. Although these days tend to be frantic, taking a few minutes to look around might provide a picture that most people overlook because they are too busy to notice something.
Look for details in flower beds, nature areas, pathways near hotels, and objects at amusement parks and other tourist locations.
Look for opportunities during festivals, pool days, or other events associated with your destination.
Experience your usual vacation spots in a new way. Instead of doing the same activities, such as a ride at an amusement park, you have ridden many times, let others in your party ride while you take some personal time, and see the world in a new way with your camera.
Change the angle or height of your camera. Not only does this provide a unique perspective, but it can save you the pain of cropping out objects that interfere with the overall feel of the picture.
Remember to use a different mindset. Do not take pictures of objects such as trees. Think about patterns, colors, textures, and backgrounds (such as capturing the texture of the tree's bark).
You are not there to document the place; capture the artistic elements.
Sharpen your skill of visualizing how to capture various nuisances of objects. This will improve with practice.
Destinations are fun but can be even more enjoyable when you slow down and take time to see them in a new way with unique pictures. This allows you to remember the destination for a long time. In addition, taking functional photos to use professionally, I benefited from relaxing and experiencing a comfortable location in a renewed way. The advantage of approaching picture-taking in this manner is that if none of your pictures turn out well, you still have a fantastic time being in the moment with a fresh view of the world. You cannot often take time for yourself and experiment with seeing surroundings differently. It is a great practice to sharpen your artistic eye!
For ideas on taking fall pumpkin patch photos, find inspiration here.